

8 weeks ago from today...

8 weeks ago marks a point in our lives that we will never forget. April 12th, 2011 we headed for a scheduled check up with Boone's cardiologist. Early on in the pregnancy we discovered that Lil'B (Boone) had developed an irregular heartbeat that we assumed after much research was popular amongst newborns and most adults. I still remember the look on the doc's face at that appointment when he swiveled around in his chair and asked... "What are your plans for the rest of the day?" Little did we know Memorial Hermann Heart and Cardiovascular Institute would be next up on the agenda. After being admitted we soon discovered that Boone's heart rate had spiked over 260 bpm and needed immediate attention. So the journey began... and Lord willing, it has ended. I am pleased to inform you that Boone is peacefully resting in his own crib.

As we close this chapter to embrace a new one let me be very clear... I am thankful for the love and care of all family, friends, doctors, nurses, cafe' workers and Ronald McDonald volunteers. But I say it once and I'll say it until death do us part... Jesus Christ is my Rock, my Hope, my Salvation in which I put my trust. He is faithful when I am not. He is gracious when I know I don't deserve it. His word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. He is the sound voice when all around is chaos. He is my God in which I trust. My prayer is this... May I lead, love, and disciple Boone in the ways of my rabbi, my Lord. Loving my family like He has loved the church. I have a responsibility now. One that ways heavy. But I am thankful that I will not stand alone. For He is with me and provides all the means necessary to be sanctified into His image. People have asked " How do you keep a positive attitude through seasons of life such as these?" My response: "A daily disciplined and committed relationship with a savior I call Jesus Christ. Not a relationship based off heightened emotions and touchy feeling and unknowns, but one that is genuine, centered around His truth the Holy Word of God."

Thanks to all for walking through the first chapter with us. Lord willing, many more are upon us.

Last hospital pic. (FYI: That's not a man purse. Its Boone's Heart Monitor.)

Boone enjoying his first tummy time at home.



Ashley said...

Praise the Lord! Hope Boone likes his new crib...and his new crib! :)

Unknown said...


Allison said...

YAY!!!! I'm so happy for you guys!

Give that sweet baby a kiss for me :)


Unknown said...

Soooo happy for you guys! I know you are going to enjoy that little Boone Bug being home with you!