

Jim vs Marley... things get a little "Ruff"

It was a typical day in the Belgard home... wake up, breakfast, 10 mile run... upper body workout on Fridays to keep up my physique. After the average morning routine I decided to spice it up. It was time to introduce a new friend to the family...

Meet Ruff...
A multi-purpose pooch in training for his special moments with Boone in a few weeks. 
His goal as a Tiny Tillia will make...

Bath time a splash of fun...

Dinner time easier to digest healthier foods...

After experiencing much quality time together Jim and Ruff became great friends...

Which lead to a game of fetch...

Jim was all smiles... but things turned south.... Including Marley's attitude.

It appeared that Ruff and Jim hit it off so well that they left Marley girl out of all the festivities. But that isn't the only thing. Marley specifically set aside the brand new Penn 2 tennis ball for bright summer days in the park with Boone Bear. We all know the wonderful smell of fresh, newly opened tennis balls. So with that in mind... imagine the emotions Marley was attempting to overcome. It was a memory she wanted with Boone. 

It really upset her.

After discovering what seemed to be our first family difference I (AS PROUD DADDY OF THE MONTH) had to address Jim and Ruff. It was tough but it was a lesson learned for all of us.

After talking with the two Ruff made a wise decision to discuss his actions with Marley.As the mediator I witnessed things unfold as best as they could have. I found it a bit hard to interpret but maybe you can help... it went like this

Ruff- Ruff, Ruff... Ruff Ruff Ruff
Marley- Ruff Ruff
Ruff- Ruff... Ruff... Ruff... Ruff Rufff
Marley- Ruff

Soon after... Marley and Ruff were on speaking terms and slowly working things out.

It was another accomplished training day in the Belgard household. When Boone arrives... we will all be ready. Speaking of Boone... He is doing great! Mom will post an update soon.

*Please be advised. A professional stunt man performed all stunts. No animals were harmed during this test.


Marissa said...

Mel, you will have two boys to raise... At least Boone won't get bored around daddy.

Anonymous said...

We all need a little "Ruff" humor...thanks for the laughs!