

Mother's Day

Wow! "what a feeling, bein's believing" come on all you 80's fans sing with me now.

I was only one yr old when this song was produced in 1983 for the movie Flashdance. I just can't help but sing that line from the chorus because it seems so fitting for a day like today. No not fitting because I'm dancing around my hospital room in leg warmers because you can clearly see from the picture posted that I'm still in my very flattering hospital gown. I think it brings out the blue in my eyes... don't you agree?

To me it's a fitting chorus to hum today because of the unexpected footsteps I've taken into motherhood this week. These footsteps have truly been exhilarating and completely top the other great moments in my life.

I'm so thankful for many things that have happened this week, but today especially I'm incredibly thankful for Nana (formerly known as my mom) and can't wait to treasure all the things she's been quietly yelling, I mean instilling, in me since I was a little girl. I know that this new chapter in my life will continue to bring forth many memories and experiences that can only be offered because I'm now a part of the mommy squad.

So today as I dance around my hospital room, I mean quietly rest, singing "what a feeling!" I will continue to reflect, respond, and remember the task set before me: We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19 Casey and I would not be able to love Jackson Boone today if we were not first loved by Him through our moms. I will treasure this first Mother's Day dearly and can't wait to love my new son even more each day.


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