

Typical day in the CCU

7:00am - Nurse shift change, but we won't see Amanda till Monday (she's been with me at night since Tuesday). She was fantastic, except for the shots to my backside (reference to earlier pic post).
7:30am - Cardiologist does a checkup on my heart. Everything looks good still. Which means my body is handling the new drug well... No side effects to this point.
7:45am - OBGYN does a checkup on my vitals and monitors if I'm contracting or not. Vitals good. No contractions.
8:12 am - An alarm sounds in the hallway... Craziest sound since I've been here, and there's been a lot of weird sounds/alarms. It was like good mix between a tornado alarm and a fire truck. Strange. Don't know what it belonged to or what it meant. Don't want to ask considering I'm the most lively patient on the full capacity CCU wing. Aka-I'm the healthiest and the youngest by a long shot.

Stay tuned.

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