

Typical day in CCU 17

11:15 am - We had our daily sonogram to check Lil B's bios as they are referred to around here (taking breaths, his movements, etc). Lil B got an 8/8. He's a fighter. No fluid around his heart, lungs, or abdomen. Champ.

12:30 pm - Dr Horenstein came to do our daily echocardiograph to measure all the blood flow, heart rate, etc in Lil B's heart. She in all of her four foot, disheveled, heavy accented glory was happy to confirm that she also found no fluid around the heart, lungs, and abdomen. Also, she was excited to report that Lil B's heart was beating between 205-237 which means the second medicine is beginning to work. Yay! Yay! Yay! However, the effects of the second medicine on me are not so great. I'm floating between super jittery and extremely lethargic.

12:45 pm - Dr. Horenstein decided to stop the second medicine and monitor both our heart rates one more day. So it looks like we might be able to come home as early as Saturday or Sunday. The sooner the better.

1:15 pm - Finally, lunch is served and feeling better. Casey even brought me a sweet treat: a fantastic cupcake. That's why he's my fave. Now... we wait. Again. But this time with an end in sight.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! That's good news! Praise God! Continued prayers..... (((Hugs)))