

It's a new day and a new room

Late last night, while devising an ingenious plan to escape, we were moved from CCU 17 to CIMU 406 (same hall but a different room). I can only infer that one less C means closer to home of course.
So the events of today in our new room will begin here:
2am -The labor and delivery techs came to monitor Lil B's heart rate again mostly because 2am is an opportune time to turn on the lights, wake mommy up, and spread a cold gel on her stomach. At any rate Lil B's heart is still beating irregularly and around the 230s.
3am - zzzzzzz... Lights, EKG, blood work, and vital signs. Check.
7am - After some more sleep, the Labor and Delivery nurse comes for her daily consult. Mostly to inform us that they will be keeping us through the weekend. So, the glimmer of hope standing on one less C is a huge facade. Oh well, I'd rather be monitored closely just in case Lil B has a spike in his heart rate again. Two more days without my bed or Marley. Poor girl. I'm sure she utterly hates sleeping on the couch and in the middle of the bed.

Looking ahead to the horizon of Monday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to hear you're one step closer to home so you can get some rest! We're praying for all of you.