

fast forward to the present

Casey and I have been serving at White Oak Baptist Church in Houston, TX for the past two years. We L.O.V.E the faith family we serve with and want to say thank you for loving us with open arms. Also, I've been teaching at Clifton Middle School for the past two years. I teach 7th grade to some incredible inner city students who have really enjoyed seeing me "get fat" over the past several months. Which reminds me... we are currently expecting our first child... that's right a bouncing baby boy. Can't you just see Casey beaming with that "that's my boy" daddy smile.

Like father. Like son. 

My students love giving lil B a high five as they enter my classroom, and reminding me of how I'm not supposed to pick up things, wear high heels, give homework (because it causes more stress for me to grade of course) or other tidbits of pertinent pregnancy information from the perspective of a seventh grader. 

They really are clever. 

Needless to say, we're thrilled to bring into the world a future mountain biking sensationalist, piano playing punter extraordinare, or ambassador of the gospel to all nations; but of course an LSU tiger fanatic who's beating to his own rhythm... literally.

Which brings us to the next phase on this journey to meet our incredible little guy. To catch you up to speed on the adventures in lil B's life, we will be posting all updates here on the blog. So please stay tuned. 

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