

Boone Bear Speaks Out

Everything is still looking good. Boone is progressing with his weight (4.14oz) nursing better each day and learning to keep his body temperature. His heart rate is stable, but he's still medicated. Best case scenario is he will go home without any medication (Whoo hoo!) yesterday he had a halter monitor on for 24 hours which they took off this morning. We won't have the results of that analysis until tomorrow. Honestly, I'm not quite sure what results or outcomes they are looking for. So hopefully we will be able to give more info tomorrow.

In the meantime, let's have fun narrating a picture I took of Boone Bear.


belgardc said...

I'm a Hulkamaniac ... Brotherrrr!

The Belgards said...

"Mooooooooom! Where's the milk?"

Ashley said...

If you guys flash that thing one more time...!!!

Anonymous said...

Hit me with your best shot! Fire away!